About This Game A long-forgotten species, a hostile planet and a journey of discovery – welcome to the world of Lumini...Having vanished without trace for thousands of years, an innocent race of creatures known as the Lumini have returned to their home world. Sadly, time has not been kind and the balance of the planet has shifted, turning the once gentle environment into a hostile landscape. Only the Lumini themselves can restore balance and help revive their long-dormant race, before adapting to preserve the future for generations to come.Explore the Lumini home world in this relaxing flow-style adventure, overcoming obstacles and keeping your swarm safe while collecting the planet’s energy to bring back your fallen comrades. Split and reform your swarm, evolve and discover new abilities to bring the Lumini back to their former glory...Go With The Flow – Designed to be one of the most relaxing games ever made, with laid-back gameplay and a soothing soundtrack.Better Together – Collect energy and use it grow your Lumini swarm, then split into two swarms to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles in your way.Natural Selection – The bigger your swarm gets, the more your Lumini evolve and gain more abilities; sonar, boosting, defensive moves and more.Illumination – A Special Edition bundle comes with the entire Lumini soundtrack and a extensive art book showing off the wonderful visual charm of the Lumini world. 7aa9394dea Title: LuminiGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:SpeelbaarsPublisher:Rising Star GamesRelease Date: 3 Sep, 2015 Lumini Download Winrar I can't believe how Relaxing, Elegant, Graceful, and colourful this game really is. I really dont know how to discribe this game and put into words for you. But I am just really enjoying it so far, the music is pieceful, Elegent and beautiful. The Lumini are very cute, until I loose 1 to a beast then I feel a bit moved and want to cry. The sounds they make are just ever so cute and adorable. Look I am just enjoying this game, and have no regrets buying the Deluxe Edition, I feel I have earnt it. http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=511970031This game certainly is not like Hero of Many, it has its own unique style and it plays really well with the Xbox Controller. I am really enjoying this game so much more than when I played "Hero of Many", but again they are very differant games, and this game Lumini is so much more prettier as well. ( So please as people have done, dont compare "Hero of Many" and " Lumini" as they are both unique and differant ).http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=511970145 I can only say that I am very impressed with this game so far, from what I have seen and played of the game so far.If your a fan of cuteness, elegences, pretty and relaxing games with pieceful and graceful music, then this game is a great addition to your library. All I can say is the store page and youtube footage shares a much better picture than I can share.Bottom line is Im really loving this game, it has plenty of pretty and cuteness in it, and this I really enjoy greatly in a game :)http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=511994671Great job making this game. Developers : Speelbaars. As my 5 years old son says: this game is beautiful. Of course, it's a bit hard for him to play on the keyboard so I'm kinda forced to play for him :)The game is wonderfull indy game - challenging, beautiful and the atmosphere is great. The music is mesmerizing and really help immersion. Graphics are on par with the recent indy games I played (and this one was made by students) though they lack a bit of details on big screens. I hope I'll be able to test the game on a gamepad as it seems it's far easer to use with this device. Anyway, it's great and I don't regret the money I spent on it!. I really want to enjoy this game. I love the visuals, colors and overall environment of Lumini. I found that the contols in this game are completely frustrating! I swear (alot) and cringe whenvever I have to get the "pinwheels" to get going enough to get a door open to procceed is something that is more invasive as chewing on tinfoil. Also, you lose just about everytime you come near one of the big monsters. All you can do is "shockwave" them to very temporarly stun them. You can't kill them....just stun. Trying to get away with horrid controls...just adds to the frustration! I really really want to love this game. If there is an update to make it better, then I am most willing to give it another go. Until then, I will find a game that is fun....not torture. Try it.....when it's on a REALLY good sale.. Ill give this a thumbs up due to how I believe this game was intended to be played and that it had a few good moments but it just barely achieves itWhy?some problems I encountered-really not a graphically intense game yet at one point my rx 480 was chugging at 32 frames a second for a good 3 minute section- I thought an area was a secret passageway and flew into it but it turned out to be a glitched out spot where you would fly into the border of the map and not be able to fly back out( it was kinda cool to be in that out of bounds area)-the puzzles are as easy as you can make them...you really cant get them wrong-to make it worse I couldn't even open one of the puzzles not because of not being able to figure it out but because the controls are terrible when trying to do precise movements (can you make a circle? now try that with semi start stop movements. now try that again with both hands at the same time doing circles in those semi start stop movements. now add in that if you dont do it nearly perfectly for at least 2 full rotations without stopping that secret door will not be opening)-to make it worse you really dont even need the secrets at all-both the purple and yellow fish basically are uselessso the game failed to live up to those potentials but onto why I gave it a thumbs up-has its moments (I wont spoil what moments)-sometimes does its shadows really well (I feel that compared to where it does do it well and where it is only ok it is very obvious and kinda detracts from the main areas making them feel more bland.... like after having good chocolate you just cant go back to the old stuff)-very peaceful-makes a soothing victory music when you find a secret areaso i would consider this more akin to a calming walking simulator then any type of action or puzzle game which if choosing this game for that then I would give a thumbs up otherwise an easy thumbs down. I'm a bad mother. My purple lumini all died *weeps in corner*~By far the most beautiful explore games out there. Captivating backrounds and music. There are some very intense and challenging moments but achievable so it's not too easy. Using a controller is convenient at times where you need to turn the stone wheels but I was still able to play just fine with a keyboard.The cute little sounds they make are just.. so.. *sniffles* cute!